Ismet Medi Koldaş Welcome to the Medi Foundation! My name is Ismet Medi, and I am the founder of this wonderful non-profit organization. We only started back in February 2020 as a way to help people who were struggling with addiction, just like I did. As a recovering alcoholic with 66 months of sobriety as of March 2023, I understand the challenges that come with addiction and the importance of having access to support and resources. Through our various programs and services, we have raised awareness over addiction, mental health, and well-being, and have provided support to those who need it the most. Our mission is to empower individuals and families impacted by addiction and related mental health challenges by providing evidence-based, personalized care and support. Over the last three years, the Medi Foundation committed to provide support and resources to those who are struggling with addiction. We have helped many individuals through various forms of support, including counseling, mental health services, detoxing, and rehabilitation. Our goal is to provide a safe and supportive environment where individuals can receive the help they need, and we are proud to have made a positive impact in the lives of so many people. Since the beginning, the Medi Foundation has been fortunate to have a dedicated and compassionate team who have supported each other and helped the organization grow to ever greater levels of achievement in the TRNC and the Turkish Cypriot community in the UK. As of March 2023, we are proud to announce our new head office located in Famagusta, TRNC, and have recently opened a beautiful new branch in the nation’s capital of Nicosia. Our expansion is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our team, and we remain committed to providing support and resources to individuals struggling with addiction in both the TRNC and the UK. At Medi Foundation, we are always looking for ways to expand and improve our services to better serve those in need. Over the next two years, our goal is to establish drop-in relief centers for alcohol and drug abuse in the TRNC. These centers will provide short-term support to individuals who are struggling with addiction, helping them get sober and control their habit before recommending further treatment at hospitals, clinics, detox hospitals, and/or rehabilitation centers. We believe that providing these relief centers will help individuals get the support they need before the addiction becomes more severe, and we are committed to making a positive impact in the lives of all we serve. We also believe that everyone deserves access to the best care and resources in their battle. As such, our main aim for the TRNC is to establish a state-of-the-art rehabilitation center that would be among the best in Europe and the region. We are committed to making this goal a reality, and our aim is to have the rehabilitation center built by 2028-2030 at the latest. We believe that this facility will be a game-changer in the field of addiction treatment, providing patients with the care they need to overcome addiction and live fulfilling lives. At the Medi Foundation Rehabilitation Center, we will provide comprehensive rehabilitation services designed to promote healing, recovery, and independence. Our center will employ doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals, who will monitor the health and well-being of our patients. We will offer a range of therapy options, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy, all tailored to help patients regain their physical and cognitive abilities. Our counseling and behavioral therapy services help patients cope with the emotional and psychological effects of their condition, whether through individual, group, or family therapy. Recreational therapy is also a key part of our treatment plans. We will incorporate activities like swimming, meditation, yoga, and art therapy to help patients regain their strength, coordination, and confidence. We will also offer educational programs to help patients learn more about their condition, how to manage their symptoms, and how to prevent relapse. Finally, we will provide nutrition counseling to help patients maintain a healthy diet and promote healing. At the Medi Foundation Rehabilitation Center, our goal will be to provide a supportive and structured environment that will help our patients achieve their rehabilitation goals. We combine both Western and Eastern therapies in our search for excellence in this field. (See homepage for more details). At the Medi Foundation, we are proud of the work we have done and the impact we have made on our community. We have worked with government and non-government organizations, clinics, counselors, and patients to provide support and resources to those in need. Our team of dedicated individuals is always looking for ways to expand and improve our service to better serve those struggling with addiction. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help, and together we can overcome addiction and promote health and well-being. Ismet Medi I had the pleasure of meeting Ismet Medi and his team at the Medi Foundation during my tenure as Ambassador in London in 2020. I am impressed by the foundation’s significant achievements in sensitive areas such as addiction prevention, fighting addiction, and mental health in such a short period of time. The foundation’s collaboration with universities and students is bringing visibility to these issues, raising awareness, and having an impact in our country. These steps have proven successful in reaching their intended audience. NGOs that work for the public interest within the framework of their social responsibilities bring about successful results. In a short time, the Medi Foundation has become one of the important NGOs serving in our country (TRNC) I congratulate the foundation, all its employees, and the participants, and hope that their good work will continue to produce positive results for our country. Kind regards, Oya Tuncalı Former Ambassador of The TRNC Ministry of Foreign Affairs London UK
Medi FoundationTestimonial